Jessa’s 6-Month Citrus Milk Bath Session

6-month Citrus Milkbath shoot by Sarah Elizabeth Photos_0968.jpg

I cannot believe my baby girl is 6 months already!
It’s true when they say the days feel long but the years fly by. The days do feel LONG, somedays extra long & extra exhausting. But when I look back it’s crazy to think we’ve been doing this for 6 months already.  Hard to believe in another 6 months we’ll have a one year old. I don’t even want to think about it! Trying to cherish her sweet baby days.

I have looked forward to doing a session like this with my own baby for a very long time. I can’t believe that day finally came! Jessa isn’t quite able to sit up on her own yet so this was a little more difficult than I’d imagined, but still think we got some really great shots. Excited to print these and add them to her scrapbook!